| This event was held as a collaboration program with Arts Mid-Hudson for which we had provided with Origami, Kimono, Chopstick game and Kamishibai while Onuma-san took photos:
Origami - Among many kinds of Origamis, today we brought Kabuto, Japanese warrior's helmet, for guests to challenge. All different sizes of Origami Kabuto were presented and instructed by Yamato-san and Honda-san. The best attraction was the actual size of Kabuto-helmet prepared by Honda-san who made them with newspaper. That would give participated parents and kids an idea they could use any kind of materials available at home instead of special Origami papers.
Kimono - Not only displaying or demonstrating Kimonos, today we brought some women's and children's Kimonos for the guests to try on. Since formal Kitsuke (wearing) requires many tools as well as under-garments, Chikako-san & I had them casual style tied with Bunko-shaped Obi-belt on ladies assisted by Junko-san. We were happy to be able to bring 4 different Kimonos, they were donated to us, for the guests to experience how it'd feel wearing them. Surprisingly enough, in spite of it would make you feel hot and the extremely tight Obi-belt may be very uncomfortable, many guests were eager to try them on. Some kids were shy and kind of hesitating first, but once wore them they seemed falling in love with the pretty shape and very excited at the exotic appeal.
Chopstick game - Although we've seen many non-Asian people skillfully using chopstick, there are still many not quite comfortable to use them while eating or have never even tried before. Instead of taking a formal table-manner class, what is better way to learn how to use chopstick than competing in a beans-picking game? So there instructed by our two cooking instructors, Akiko-san and Atsuko-san, the guests learned how to hold a pair of chopstick properly and had mastered within minutes while desperately picking large and tiny beans one by one. It probably sounds easier than done, of course. At the end, whoever won the game had earned a brand new chopstick as a prize. I'm sure they will enjoy Japanese food much better next time visited a restaurant.
Today's program was ended with a Kamishibai paper theatre with one of the famous Japanese old mythological stories called "Momotaro", a peach-boy, who was born from a peach and fought against evil to protect people in his village. A hero story, indeed.
Thanks to Polly-san and Arts Mid-Hudson who had helped us to organize this program with the library, and many many thanks, as always, to our volunteers who made this event successful without complaining the hot temperature during the entire 1.5 hours, except one who was sweating like a pig in Kimono and may have lost about a bucket of water - me...
Midori Shinye
Team Leader | | 4月18日Gardinerライブラリーでのカルチャープログラム
このイベントはArts Mid-Hudsonと共同で行ったもので、MHJCAからは折り紙・着物着付け・お箸の豆つかみ競争と紙芝居を大沼さんに写真を撮って頂きながら提供しました。
折り紙: 多種の折り紙の中で今日は日本の武士の兜をゲストにチャレンジしてもらいました。大和さんと本多さんの指導で大小さまざまなサイズの折り紙カブトを作りました。その中でも特に目立ったのは本多さんが前もって新聞紙で作って用意して下さった実物サイズのカブトで、わざわざ折り紙用の特別な紙でなくても家にある手頃な材料で簡単に作って楽しめるというアイデアが参加された皆さんに分かって頂けたと思います。
着物: 飾ったり着て見せるだけでなく今日はゲストにも着てみて頂ける様女性用と子供用の着物を持参しました。正式な着付けだと多種の道具や下着類とかが必要になるので今回は千佳子さんと私で順子さんの手を借りながらゲストに文庫帯で簡単な着付けをしてみました。会には寄付として頂いた4着の着物があるので実際着てみてどの様な感じか経験をして頂けたのは嬉しいことです。着物を着ると暑いしきつい帯で決して心地良いわけではないのにも関わらず思った以上に沢山の方が興味を示して、子供達は最初はちょっとためらった感じでしたが一度着てみると可愛らしい色柄と風変わりな異国風のアピールの魅力にすっかりとらわれていたようです。
割り箸ゲーム: 最近ではアジア系以外の方もうまくお箸を使いこなしているのを良く見かけますが、まだまだ使うのが苦手だとか一度もお箸を握ったことがない方がいらっしゃると思います。フォーマルなテーブルマナーのクラスの代わりに手っ取り早くお箸の使い方を学ぶ方法はお箸で豆をつかむゲーム以外他にはないのではないでしょうか?と言うわけで、今日は我らの料理インストラクターの章子さんと篤子さんの指導でゲストの方々が正しいお箸の持ち方を習うと同時に大小の豆をひとつひとつつまんで移動させるゲームをやりながらあっという間にうまく使えるようになりました。と言ってもそう簡単にはいかないようで...。しかしゲームに勝った方には努力の賞いとして新しい割り箸セットを差し上げました。間違いなく次回日本レストランに行かれたら今まで以上に食事が美味しく感じられることでしょう。
このイベントをライブラリーとの間に入って企画するのを協力して下さったArts Mid-HudsonのPollyさんにお礼を申し上げます。それから今回もまたまた成功できるように1時間半の暑いイベントの間全く文句も云わずにいつものごとく協力して下さったボランティアの皆さんに感謝感謝です。しかし着物を着てバケツ一杯位の汗をダラダラ流しながら暑い暑いと愚痴っていたのが一人だけいました-私です...。
新江 緑
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