| A Spring Gathering was held for MHJCA members on April 13 (Sunday) at the
Community Room of the Galleria Mall in Poughkeepsie.
This was the first event which was both planned by, and held for, members of MHJCA (vs a Board or committee sponsored event).
It turned out to be an excellent occasion as members greeted each other after a long winter,
having missed each other for months, or years, as well as meeting new members.
It was a gathering of good food and dialogue. Also it was a fun mini market
held by participants selling homemade maple syrup, sweets, china, and goods,
and Japanese foods. Educated customers bought good bargain items.
It was a bit of surprise to see so many lunch boxes were
ordered (twenty-five on site and two to take home), despite the small number of 2014 MHJCA membership.
I would like to thank to those who cooked, packed the lunch boxes together, and set up tables. Sharing the preparation time was also fun and a great MHJCA tradition.
And thank you for all coming to this event.
Atsuko Shimojo | | 四月十三日に、数名のMHJCA会員主催による、MHJCA春の集いが、プーキプシ ガレリアモール内のコミュニティー ルームにて模様されました。
美味しい日本食のお弁当は26人からの予約があり又テークアウトまで入りました。楽しい会話の他、参加会員によるミニ マーケットには、自家製メープルシロップ、お菓子や、磁器、珍品、日本食などが並べられ、お値打ちな品には買い手が殺到しました。
お弁当を当日共に準備して下された方がた、会場をセットアップしてくださった方々、また受けつけ会計をかってくれましたセリーナさん 有難うございます。参加下された会員の方々、有難うございました。
下條篤子 | |