| Here we are, again, at the old Holy Trinity Church which is located right next to the school to meet with their 3rd grade kids on our annual visit for cultural program: While Origami Jumping Frog comes back every year, we change the Kanji character for Calligraphy, and we chose a letter “light” this year thinking the word might be appropriate after a long cold winter. Kid’s Kimonos for Kitsuke are getting worn out little by little but they are still good enough to make kids smile and giggle. Rosemarie’s story about Japan has become very important part of our program now. Kids living in the world with computer and mobile phone still seem interested in Kamishibai the paper theater. And, because of the technology, their knowledge about Japan from information obtained much easier than ever are very fresh and updated, and some questions actually surprised us as they were definitely highly intelligent. Thankfully, many of our volunteers were well educated and with their help today’s program ended as another successful event. We were certain that warm and bright light was shining on these smart children to guide them to the future.
Midori Shinye
Project Leader | | またまた恒例のカルチャープログラムで3学年の子供達に会う為にHoly Trinityの教会にやってきました。折り紙は毎年飛びガエルにしますが、習字の題は寒くて長かった冬が過ぎたこの時期に丁度ピッタシの字だと思って今年は「光」にしました。着付け用の着物はどんどん古くなってきていますが、まだまだしっかり子供達を喜ばせるには十分です。ローズマリーのお話はこのプログラムに欠かせなくなりました。コンピューターと携帯電話の社会で育っている子供達ですがどうやら紙芝居には興味があるようです。そのテクノロジーのおかげで昔と違ってもっと簡単に手に入れることが出来るインフォメーションから学んだ子供達の知識は大変新鮮です。中には大変知的な質問があって驚かされましたが、有難いことに知識の豊富なボランティアの皆さんのおかげで今日のプログラムもまた成功に終わりました。暖かくて明るい光がこの賢い子供達を将来に向けて導いてくれることでしょう。
新江 緑
プロジェクトリーダー | |