| “A tavola non si invecchia mai” (While sitting at the table, you never grow old…) – This is the correct version of what Rosemarie told me though I haven’t got a chance to practice how to pronounce it. As much as Italians, we all love eating. So, again, we got together for chit-chatting with Japanese lunch box called “Makunouchi bento”. Thanks to Atsuko-san, Junko-san and Onuma-san who prepared so many different kinds of food to decorate the bento box as well as to those members who helped packing them.
In Japan, Bonenkai is held everywhere among co-workers, classmates and friends as a meaning of the closure of the year. Typically, the most common and popular dish is “Nabe (a big hot pot cooked with all different kinds of ingredients including meat, fish and veggies which create own characteristic broth)”, and people would be surrounding the hot pot while enjoying talking and eating. Many times hot Sake or cold Beer may be welcome to cheer up the mood, especially when you have your boss at the table. The ingredients are different between the regions thus symbolize each culture and its unique natural source.
We didn’t need those hot Nabe as we enjoyed our special Bento filled with kindness and care, and we very much appreciated it as it was the symbol of our volunteer’s hard work. Many of us, Japanese members, may be cooking Japanese meals at home almost every day remembering what you used to eat back in Japan. But it is different when you have company to share with - they taste better and you laugh more. Thus, you may feel younger. “A tavola no si invecchia mai”!!!
Midori Shinye
Chair | | 「食べ物を囲んでいる時は歳を取らない」というのがローズマリーが教えてくれた正しいイタリアの諺だそうですが、未だに発音の練習が出来ていません。イタリア人だけでなく誰もが食べるのが好きですから幕の内弁当でまたまた皆で集まりました。盛り付けの為にいろいろな種類の料理を沢山用意して下さった篤子さん・順子さんと大沼さん、それから詰め込むのを手伝って頂いたメンバーの方々に心から感謝致します。
新江 緑
会長 | |