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Event Album: Tea Ceremony Workshop - October: 10/05/2013
Event Note

 The final MHJCA tea ceremony of 2013 was held in Woodstock.

As is customary in October, this was the final use of an OFURO (a portable fireplace) for the purpose of heating the water used in the tea ceremony, where after the switch to a RO (a fireplace built in the floor) becomes necessary in the winter months.

In an effort to instill in the participants the "Way of Tea", the proceedings commenced with the serving of TENSHIN (small-portion food dishes selected by season). The workshop was held in the spirit of "NAGASHI YU", wherein the server and guests, enjoying each others company, engage in conversation throughout the ceremony.
In addition, a review of HIRA DEMAE was also offered.
Even those participants who had long since forgotten the proper methods involved in the ceremony, found themselves, moved by heart and mind, able to complete the practice.

The arrangement of flowers, offered at the virtual tea room, were a combination of Japanese Pampass Grass and Cosmos from our garden. The displayed scroll was a SUMIE drawing, "Moon and Geese over Autumn Flower", by OSANOBU KANO.
The sweets offered during the service were home-made "Un-baked YATSUHASHI" and HIGASHI.

The 2014 Tea Ceremony has yet to be determined.
 10月5日〈土曜日 〉午後1時から3時まで。 ウッドストックの下條宅で、今年最後の茶道ワークショップが行われました。 風炉の季節も10月いっぱいで終わりです。秋を楽しんでいただく為に、 お茶事の真似事で、まず最初に季節を盛り込んだ点心が出され、 その後、流し点と言う、亭主と客とが歓談しながら楽しむ薄茶点前を いたしました。これは少人数のお仲間とお茶を楽しむお手前で、なごやかな 時が過ぎました。 平手前のおさらいもいたしました。1度茶道をやってらした方は、不思議と 体が覚えているもので、すんなりとお手前をこなしててました。 茶花はススキとコスモス。軸は狩野養信の月と雁と秋草の画。 〈本来は画のみの軸は使わない) お菓子は、自家製の生八橋と干菓子の2種でした。 2014年度もワークショップを続けるかは、検討中です。 
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