| Tanka Workshop / Spring '22
On March 20th, we had our Tanka Workshop in the Poughkeepsie Galleria Community Room. Despite the long-term pandemic, the atmosphere was relaxed on this first day of spring. All of the members participated with cheerful smiles, and it was a pleasant surprise to see new attendees writing flowing lyrics that I wouldn’t have guessed came from tanka beginners.
The title for this workshop was “Nagai” in celebration of one of our members who is 90 years young. The kanji, also pronounced “chou,” can be interpreted to mean length or longevity. Many thought that this everyday word would be easy to use, but it was unexpectedly difficult and turned out to be good practice for everyone.
After the workshop, as usual, we enjoyed a “tea chat party” with snacks provided by members.
Chikako Mori, Tanka Workshop Instructor
English translation by Yoko Izu | | 短歌ワークショップ/春 '22
今回の歌題は' 長、ながい、ちょう' としました。メンバーの中に90才の長寿を元気に迎えられた方を祝っての事です。皆さん、' 長'と言う語は余りにも日常的で簡単だと思っていたがいざ歌にすると案外難しかったとの感想で、良い練習になったようです。
ワークショップ後は例の如く、それぞれが持参されたスナックで' 茶チャット会'を楽しみました。
森 千佳子 短歌ワークショップ インストラクター | |