| KAKIZOME - 2015
KAKIZOME is one of the most popular and successful collaborative program with Arts Mid-Hudson and MHJCA over the last couple years and it was held as early as on January 3 at the new place of Gallery Office of Arts Mid-Hudson.
In addition to the ordinary setting of tables, chairs, all tools including our new cool-looking glass ink cups and text for the guests, the both side-wall were displayed with Sumi-e, also known as Suiboku-ga, Japanese Ink Wash Paintings created from and titled based on "Minwa"/Japanese Folk Tales like "Hanasaka-Jii", ink brush painted by Ellenville-based Artist and one of our member Mrs. Chikako Mori. Her exhibition had added artistic feelings to the place and made the atmosphere special.
Now everything was perfectly ready except one thing. Weather forecast was unfortunately right and was not favorable for us. It was already snowing at the starting time of 2:00pm and we were just looking outside at nearly empty huge parking lot through the large windows and when as "The net of a sleeper catches fish" is true, finally, slowly but one by one, the guests arrived. It was really easy to recognize him and I and Polly-san was excited to see a regular visitor who is an owner of his own arts studio which used to be an old warehouse in Poughkeepsie. Despite snowy cold day, it was nice to renew our warm friendship this year again. Eventually the gallery was full and all seats were occupied by the guests. We had instructors and volunteer supporters enough this time comparing to the much smaller number of guests showed up, but that worked very well for us so that we could provide the guests good care in a friendly and family atmosphere and lots of time to practice. I was not able to count how many guest were there but probably total 25 or so, including a cute little boy plus one dog.
I'm sure we had joy of KAKIZOME gathering again this year. I sincerely thank to Polly-san and Arts Mid-Hudson for providing us such a great opportunity again this time. I also thank from the bottom of my heart to all of MHJCA volunteers for your endless contribution to MHJCA's activity and a very special thanks to Chikako-san for her extraordinary support to make this KAKIZOME 2015 very special one.
Arigato Gozaimashita.
Shinichi Honda
Project Leader : KAKIZOME 2015 | | 書初め 2015
書初めは過去2年ほど最も人気のある、Arts Mid-Hudson とMHJCAの協力により成功裏に行われているプログラムの一つです。年明け早々の1月3日に行われましたが、今回はArts Mid-Hudson の新しい画廊事務所を利用した書初めになりました。
通常のテーブル、椅子、習字道具とこれまた素敵な真新しいガラス製のインク壷が加わりお手本の用意の他に、今回は画廊の両面に日本の"墨絵" (水墨画) を掲げる事になりました。特に今回は"花咲か爺さん"に代表される様な日本の民話を題材とした"墨絵"のいくつかを展示する事になり、エレンビル在住のMHJCAの会員のお一人であリ、且つ芸術家として良く知られた森 千佳子さんにその製作をお願いしました。この墨絵の展示は画廊事務所としての佇まいと雰囲気を更に完全なものにし素晴らしい会場にしてくれました。
さて、たった一つを除いて用意万端整いました。残念ながら天気予報は当たり、お天気は我々には味方してくれませんでした。書初め開始時間の午後2時には既に降りしきる雪になり、私達は大きな窓から外を見やり、殆どがら空きの大きな駐車場を眺めていました。しかし"果報は寝て待て" とは良く言った物です。ついに一人一人ですがお客様が現れ始めました。そして顔見知りの男性が入って来たではありませんか!ポーリーさんも私も少なからず興奮してしまいました。この書初めの常連客で、この町に古い倉庫を改造した自分のスタジオをお持ちの言うならばアーティストです。
今年の書初めも十分に楽しく終える事ができました。今年もポーリーさんとArts Mid-Hudson には素晴らしい機会を用意して下さり心から感謝いたします。また多くの
ボランティアの方々の絶え間ないご協力 無くしてこの書初めは有り得ませんでした。
本多 眞一
Project Leader : KAKIZOME 2015 | |