| It was very exciting to see thirteen (13) people attending today, the record number so far. I was extremely glad that many members were enjoying our free workshop to polish their writing skill.
I decided, again, to let everyone write whatever he/she would want to practice on. Naturally some chose letters to express something related to the season "Summer", while the other chose spiritual words. One practiced her own poem while the other did own names in Kanji. Some could write better than the instructor (me)! We talked, laughed, and we teased each other while the other were mumbling something like "It must be the brush I'm using why my writing doesn't come out well...". I certainly used that phrase very often today as I found myself having a hard time to write samples as good as it should be. It happens to everyone, I guess.
One thing I always noticed is that the writing shows each personality - A serious person's writing looks formal while a happy person's cheerful. It's amazing to see no one would or could write exact the way the other's. Beginner or practiced, some showed their natural skill, very unique and original - "gifted" indeed.
I regret that today's workshop was rather short, only for 1 hour and 15 minutes - not long enough for me to spend time on each participant as much as I wanted. We'll have another Calligraphy Workshop on 10/12 (Sun) 1:30pm - 4:00pm, and I'm hoping as many as or more members will take advantage from this wonderful program. After all, I think the most important thing here is we learn "together".
Midori Shinye
Calligraphy Instructor | | 7月13日 習字ワークショップ
いつも気付くことは、間違いなく「字は個性を表す」ということです。真面目な人の字は規則正しい真剣そうな字ですし、一方明るい人の字はいつも楽しそうです。わざとそうしようとしなくても、他の人のと全く同じ字を書く(書ける)人はいません。中には初心者であろうが以前習ったとかに関係なく生まれつきの「腕」を持っている人もいます。その人達の字は本当に個性的でユニークで、正しくそれを「Gift (才能)」と呼ぶのだと思います。
新江 緑
習字ワークショップインストラクター | |