| On June 29th, the second Tanka no Kai was held at Chikako-san' home.
Chikako-san showed us kindly and in detail how to use nouns and verbs when writing tanka.
Each participant benefited from such teachings in what to be mindful of and how to choose words, etc. for future creation of tanka.
After the presentation of each one of the participants, we played the way the tank was played hundreds years ago, which was a lot of fun with laughters, etc.
Please do not phased by Tanka to be difficult. It's actually quite fun, so please feel free to join in the next time.
The next Tanka no Kai is scheduled to be held on October 19th. | | 6月29日、今年二回目の短歌の会が千佳子さん宅で催されました。
次回は10月19日が予定されています。 | |