| Potluck Lunch,
Saturday, Sept. 21, 2013, at The Oldiges'
As Fall is about to begin and Chinese lantern plants are hanging down in bright orange color in the yard, nineteen members gathered for our fall potluck party. All home cooked food was fabulous and compliments to each other's dish were exchanged. Among those dishes, one dish was particularly reminiscent to us as Japanese, which was mackerel pike cooked in soy sauce and mirin(sugar and sake wine) with ginger. Mackerel pike and fall is almost equivalent to some Japanese. As much as we appreciate the beauty of Fall foliage, we welcome fall by sampling oily mackerel pike in its peak season. It was a lovely time for all. Thank you for all who came and let's hope there will be another gathering just like this one soon. | | 暦での秋も目と鼻の先の土曜日、庭のほおずきがオレンジ色に垂れ下がる中、19人の会員たちが手の込んだおいしい手料理を持ち寄り昼食会を満喫しました。中でも秋刀魚の甘露煮は日本人にとっては秋を感じずに入られないものでした。俳句にも歌われるように秋刀魚の到来を秋の始まりと解釈する日本人の方も多いと思います。おいしい食事と会員同士の楽しいひと時はあっという間に経ってしまいました。またぜひこのような機会を持ちたいですね。 | |