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Event Album: 2/10 & 17 MIZUYA work workshop : 02/17/2019
Event Note

 On February 10 and 17, we held our first ever “mizuya” workshop, which took place over 2 sessions. The workshop was hosted at a member’s home in Woodstock, with five participants and two instructors.

The workshop covered the essentials of "mizuya", the behind-the-scenes preparation required before a tea ceremony. Skills such as how to hold and fold the tea cloths, how to prepare the tea bowl, and even how to properly fill the tea caddy with matcha powder, are the foundational skills one must know before being able to progress to actually making the tea for guests.

In fact, sifting the matcha and artfully placing it in the tea caddy in the shape of a gentle mountain takes a lot of concentration and practice.
Once these preliminary steps are done, one can proceed with the tea ceremony.

The workshop attendees listened carefully to the instructors as they shared do's and don'ts and specific instructions. For example, did you know that the bamboo scoop (used for scooping the matcha powder) or the tea caddy should only ever be wiped clean with a dry cloth? You should not wash them or even use a damp cloth to clean them.

Due to the small group size, the two instructors and the host were able to pay attention to everyone and offer hands-on guidance. One of the instructors kindly brought homemade Japanese sweets in the shape of white and red plum blossoms for both sessions.

At the end, attendees made their own “usucha” (or “thin matcha”) to get a better understanding of the delicate balance when combining matcha powder and hot spring water. After the workshop ended, the members were able to socialize for a bit while continuing to enjoy their tea and confections.

We hope that moving forward, the people who enthusiastically took the time to learn about “mizuya” will volunteer for our tea ceremony-related activities. As they progress, we hope that they will someday be able to do the “bonyaku” style tea ceremony.

A big thank you to the instructors and attendees of the workshop.

Coordinator: Atsuko Shimojo

(English translation by Yoko Izu)
 2/10,2/17の両日曜日に水屋仕事のワークショップが、ウッドストックの会員宅で開催されました。この水屋仕事のワークショップは、初めての試みです。 茶巾の絞り方、たたみ方、茶碗への仕込み方などを習い、抹茶を棗にはく練習もいたしました。ちなみに入れるで無く、はくという言い方をします。 抹茶を漉すことから始まり、棗に綺麗な山形にはくには集中力と練習が必要です。これらの下準備が終わって、初めて点前へと進むわけです。 茶杓や棗などは濡らしたもので拭いてはいけない、などの注意もあり5人の参加者は真剣に聞いていました。 参加者が少数でしたので、2名のインストラクター、ホストの会員とで丁寧に説明できたと思います。 インストラクターの会員のお一人が、毎回お手作りのお菓子(紅梅、白梅の練り切り)をお持ちくださいました。 最後は、抹茶と湯量の加減を知るために、皆さん自服で薄茶をいただき、ワークショップ後も歓談が続きました。 熱心に習ってくださった方々は、今後大いにボランティアとして活躍していただけると期待しています。 さらに盆略手前と進み、ゆくゆくは茶会でもできたらと望んでいます。 インストラクターの方々、参加してくださった方々、ありがとうございました。 コーディネーター 下條篤子 
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