| This is the first trial we held two workshops in one day, Calligraphy followed by Tea Ceremony, at the Poughkeepsie Galleria community room. This idea is we hope to attract more members...
< Calligraphy Workshop >
It was good to see members showed up today who usually didn't have time to attend our workshop: Tomiko-san and Rosemarie challenged four seasons in Kanji while Atsuko-san tried "Wakeiseijyaku (harmony/respect/pure/tranquility)" - suitable word for a tea ceremony instructor. Our regular attendance, Onuma-san, Junko-san and Honda-san, started showing much improvement in their writing. As always, Akiko-san brought her ancient Kanji textbook in which I found all Kanjis no longer used and some of them have transformed into less complicated spelling in modern days. But Akiko-san, of course, insists to challenge those ancient letters. Every time she tries the characters she selected from the book, she stares at them first while sighing and moaning but she likes it. She definitely enjoys a challenging life for sure. I've been trying to encourage everyone to create something they could put in a frame or Kakejiku, hopefully soon.
By Midori Shinye
Calligraphy Instructor
< Tea Workshop >
It was our first Tea Ceremony Workshop this year. There we practiced "Bonryaku Demae" in casual forms. We hadn't seen Machiko-san at our workshop a while but delightfully she joined us today and practiced again and again how to use Fukusa (napkin) which she previously learned. It seems less people are interested in Tea Ceremony because, I'm afraid, they may think it's too complicated or sophisticated, but that is misunderstanding. I am sincerely hoping that more people would be able to enjoy Usu-cha (casual light tea). Today, I've brought my home-made Geppei as tea sweets. Please come join us for a tea and sweet next time.
By Atsuko Shimojo
Tea Ceremony Instructor
(translated by Midori Shinye) | | < 習字ワークショップ>
新江 緑
< 茶道ワークショップ >
茶道ワークショップインストラクター | |