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Event Album: Tea Ceremony Workshop No. 1: 04/26/2014
Event Note

 The first tea ceremony workshop of this year was held at the Shimojo residence on Saturday, April 26.
The lesson focused on those works at a MIZUYA (a tiny section of a room separated by a wall from the tea room, designed as a preparation work place for the tea ceremony).

Preparations include work such as sifting MATCHA to a fine powder, and placing it in a tea caddy to make a mountain shape.
Such work is easier said than done. Concentration is a must.
Squeezing dry a wiping cloth, and folding it in a proper way has its own natural process that must be followed.
Participants spent quite a bit of time to learn how to wipe a tea bowl with this cloth.

Such works are not visible to guests at a tea ceremony, but the server must learn these preparation tasks.

After learning about these behind-the-scenes work, we made tea and enjoyed it with home-made KASUTERA (a Japanese cake with a baking technique that originated in Portugal in the mid-1500s, which was then customized to Japanese tastes).

The next lesson will be held on Saturday, June 14th.

Report by Atsuko Shimojo
 4月26日(土),ウッドストックの下條宅で本年度1回目の茶道の練習がありました。 今回は、水屋での仕事に重点を置きました。抹茶をふるい、棗に山高に美しく入れる。 簡単なようで、これも又難しいもので、集中力が必要です。茶巾の絞り方、たたみ方、 茶碗に茶巾を仕込む事などを練習いたしました。水屋での仕事は、裏方の準備ですが、 これは、とても大切で、お点前と同様に覚えていただきたいことです。 その後、お盆でのお点前いたしました。お薄を美味しく点てるのも、なかなか修練が いるものです。 手製のカステラと共に薄茶を味わいながら、抹茶と湯の量の加減など 学ぶ事が多いと話しておりました。 次回は6月14日(土)に予定しています。 下條篤子 記 
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